The most recent talks can be heard on the following podcasts:

Creation Care + the People of God: Engaging in Environmental Stewardship | First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley (www.fpcberkeley.org), Berkeley, October 2, 2022
From the very beginning, the people of God have been called to care for the glorious earth that God created. Never has that mandate been more urgent! For this year’s Global Church Conference, we invite voices of those engaged in creation care to speak to us about the current global situation and about the theological call for Christians to join others in leading the way in environmental stewardship. We will also learn about other churches and organizations who are engaged in this critical work. As individuals and communities of faith, we hope to leave equipped and inspired to take action.
The Parable of Lost Things | A New Community Church (www.anewcommunity.church), Menlo Park, September 17, 2023
Setting The Stage | Spark.Church (www.spark.church), Palo Alto, September 23, 2012
Every event held dear to our faith is bound by time and space. The doctrines of creation, redemption, incarnation, and salvation, were birthed through events that took place at specific times and places. So too, Jesus's life and ministry was rooted in the culture, and context of first-century Israel. The more we understand his world, the more we understand Jesus himself.
God In High Fidelity | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on Sunday, May 6, 2012 at the 8:30 a.m. service.
Garden To Garden—The Grand Narrative | (previously "The Foundation Experiment, final night). Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on February 20, 2012
How To Study The Bible: Reading God's Word and Loving It | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on August, 2011
Gotta Love It: Lessons From The Desert | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on February, 2010.​
Teaching on Psalm 23.
Legacy of Faith: Words Create Worlds | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on August, 2009.​
The power of our words to create, and the challenge to steward our words well.
Legacy of Faith: Discipleship | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (www.alcf.net) on August, 2008.​
In this service we discover the great legacy of Jesus as we follow Him, and as others follow us. This legacy is called discipleship, and it challenges and inspires us to truly follow the way of Jesus.
​Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Fuller Theological Seminary
Bible, Theology, Youth Ministry
San Jose Christian College (now William Jessup University)
Hebrew Thought, Rabbinics, & Historical Geography
Jerusalem University College, Israel
Spiritual Guide Training with Mark Yaconelli
Youth Ministry | Bel Air Presbyterian Church
Youth Pastor | Calvary Lutheran Church
Executive Team Pastor, Children's Ministry | Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
Founding Pastor | Spark Church
Israel Tour Guide | TTWMK
Founder | Come And Learn To Walk Israel-In-Depth Study Tours
Ambassador/Speaker | Bay-Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition
Advisory Board | Biblical Language Center
Danielle speaks on Christianity, the Bible, Jewish and Christian intersections, the Church, Israel, and anything else pertinent to following in the Way of Jesus. She leads public and private study tours to Israel, and consults with churches and ministries on these topics as well.
Invite Danielle to speak at your event:
For a list of upcoming events, please visit Spark's Event page.